full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jennifer Healey: If cars could talk, accidents might be avoidable

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I just want you to think a little bit about what the epinrxceee of driving is like now. Get into your car. colse the door. You're in a glass bubble. You can't really directly sense the world around you. You're in this extended body. You're tasked with navigating it down partially-seen rowdaays, in and amongst other matel giants, at super-human speeds. Okay? And all you have to guide you are your two eyes. Okay, so that's all you have, eyes that weren't really designed for this task, but then people ask you to do things like, you want to make a lane cgahne, what's the first thing they ask you do? Take your eyes off the road. That's right. Stop looking where you're going, turn, check your blind spot, and drive down the road without looking where you're going. You and everyone else. This is the safe way to dirve. Why do we do this? Because we have to, we have to make a choice, do I look here or do I look here? What's more important? And usually we do a fantastic job picking and choosing what we atentd to on the road. But occasionally we miss something. Occasionally we snsee something wrong or too late. In countless accidents, the driver says, "I didn't see it coming." And I believe that. I believe that. We can only watch so much.

Open Cloze

I just want you to think a little bit about what the __________ of driving is like now. Get into your car. _____ the door. You're in a glass bubble. You can't really directly sense the world around you. You're in this extended body. You're tasked with navigating it down partially-seen ________, in and amongst other _____ giants, at super-human speeds. Okay? And all you have to guide you are your two eyes. Okay, so that's all you have, eyes that weren't really designed for this task, but then people ask you to do things like, you want to make a lane ______, what's the first thing they ask you do? Take your eyes off the road. That's right. Stop looking where you're going, turn, check your blind spot, and drive down the road without looking where you're going. You and everyone else. This is the safe way to _____. Why do we do this? Because we have to, we have to make a choice, do I look here or do I look here? What's more important? And usually we do a fantastic job picking and choosing what we ______ to on the road. But occasionally we miss something. Occasionally we _____ something wrong or too late. In countless accidents, the driver says, "I didn't see it coming." And I believe that. I believe that. We can only watch so much.


  1. sense
  2. experience
  3. close
  4. roadways
  5. drive
  6. attend
  7. change
  8. metal

Original Text

I just want you to think a little bit about what the experience of driving is like now. Get into your car. Close the door. You're in a glass bubble. You can't really directly sense the world around you. You're in this extended body. You're tasked with navigating it down partially-seen roadways, in and amongst other metal giants, at super-human speeds. Okay? And all you have to guide you are your two eyes. Okay, so that's all you have, eyes that weren't really designed for this task, but then people ask you to do things like, you want to make a lane change, what's the first thing they ask you do? Take your eyes off the road. That's right. Stop looking where you're going, turn, check your blind spot, and drive down the road without looking where you're going. You and everyone else. This is the safe way to drive. Why do we do this? Because we have to, we have to make a choice, do I look here or do I look here? What's more important? And usually we do a fantastic job picking and choosing what we attend to on the road. But occasionally we miss something. Occasionally we sense something wrong or too late. In countless accidents, the driver says, "I didn't see it coming." And I believe that. I believe that. We can only watch so much.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dead stop 2
reasonable predictions 2
precise idea 2

Important Words

  1. accidents
  2. attend
  3. bit
  4. blind
  5. body
  6. bubble
  7. car
  8. change
  9. check
  10. choice
  11. choosing
  12. close
  13. coming
  14. countless
  15. designed
  16. door
  17. drive
  18. driver
  19. driving
  20. experience
  21. extended
  22. eyes
  23. fantastic
  24. giants
  25. glass
  26. guide
  27. important
  28. job
  29. lane
  30. late
  31. metal
  32. navigating
  33. occasionally
  34. people
  35. picking
  36. road
  37. roadways
  38. safe
  39. sense
  40. speeds
  41. spot
  42. stop
  43. task
  44. tasked
  45. turn
  46. watch
  47. world
  48. wrong